

Border Bill Charade

The failed border bill that Democrat Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumertried to resurrect this week was worse than doing nothing. This time, it failed by an even wider bipartisan vote of 43-50.

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Viterbo Promotes Gender Confusion in Young Children

Viterbo University is a Catholic university in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Their library currently has a Pride Month display of children's books in their children's section.

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[book review] APRIL 1945 The Hinge of History by Craig Shirley

Several months ago, I read a book review on APRIL 1945 The Hinge of History by Craig Shirley which I tore out of my m

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Divide and Conquer

I'm a Christian, he's a Muslim, she's a Jew. I'm Republican, you're a Democrat. Black / white, gay / straight, man / woman, life / abortion, RINO / MAGA, Capitalist / Marxist, on and on.

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Americans are struggling

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Is There a Place for Christian Patriotism?

“Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” --Philippians

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Video of Latest 'On the Job' Visit

The video detailing my "On the Job" experience at the Food + Farm Exploration Center is now finished, and I am excited to be able to share it with all of you.

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It is time for a change

SEN Baldwin has been in elected office for nearly 40 years but what has she done in all that time? She is ineffective and has had no real legislative accomplishments. It is funny that you only hear from her at election time.

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