

American Health & Nutrition Roundtable

Americans are facing a healthcare crisis, and those who question the current orthodoxy or offer alternative treatments are ridiculed, vilified, and canceled.

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One Person, One Vote

To maintain the integrity of our elections, we should all agree that each person's lawful vote should only be counted once.

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Lyin' Eyes

"City [Pretty] girls just seem to find out early How to open doors with just a smile", are the first two lines of Lyin' Eyes. I believe that we are seeing the Shiny Object Syndrome effect in the Harris candidacy.

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Governor Evers: Real Threat to Election Integrity

When there is a heated, or thought provoking, discussion on election integrity most comments could be classified under ten or a dozen topics. These topics, turned into questions, might include the following. Why should Washington, D.C.

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Our Work So Far

We have accomplished many things in Washington, D.C. and Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District during my first term in Congress, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our work over these past two years.

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Voter ID Loophole in Wisconsin Law

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) released a report last week revealing a concerning Voter ID loophole in Wisconsin law that would allow over 140,000 individuals to submit absentee ballots without showing ID because they are class

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Do You Have a Plan to Vote?

Can you tell election season is upon us? I've received four political fliers in the mail this week, and everywhere I look or listen there’s an advertisement for or against a candidate.

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General News Headlines About Election Integrity This Week

Below are headlines I captured this week. These are just the tip of the iceberg to give you an understanding of how the elites are rigging our elections by twsiting the meanings of our law in order to commit fraud legally.

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